Tuesday, September 11, 2012


As a child I wanted to draw and build things. Lego was one of my big obsessions. Building a space for something. See small individual pieces form into a construction. Building a cave of wood, leafs and other materials. Designing. Drawing. So the choice was easy. I wanted to be an architect!

This is some of the things I find very fascinating:

The personal space.
I am very fascinated by the way people act in a room. How everyone has a personal space. For some it is hard to be in an elevator and for others you wish the boundaries was a bit bigger. I think it is an important point when creating architecture. Does the room encourage conversation, or no human contact at all?  Is it an intimate space or more formal? How do we influence the room to create the perfect space?

The “complicated” houses – not minimalistic.
I am very inspired by the more personal and “complicated” houses – the old houses with many rooms and outstanding facades. The facade that incorporate the nature - consider the nature.

The way people use architecture in their own way.
Architects always design buildings and try to form the way the user should use it. But I find it fascinating that sometimes people find other ways to use it.  A building can be very complex and formed even after the construction. I think the real gold in designing is to create something that still is functional and modern after many years. 

The light.
Finally I find a big interest the light. The light is one of the most important things when creating a space. Light is widely accepted to have a positive psychological effect on the human being. So especially here in the north it’s important to consider that factor when dealing with light. How to place windows or other openings and reflective surfaces, so during the day natural light can provide internal lighting. Trying to find the best way to use light in the given space.

- Louise Sevelsted Viborg

Thursday, September 6, 2012


The neglected window




The neglected window

This is the window you never see. The neglected window is placed for a practical purpose. Functions as an opening to light up the basement. You don’t look through moste of them. On my tour I discovered that the older basement windows often randomly made. They are not considered to be a part of the main building and just placed where needed. As you move in time the window is incorporated and more outstanding. That is the reason for my trophy. It is seen as a part of the building. 

Louise Sevelsted Viborg